Features / May 16 2022

How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts in Koofr

Speed up your work in Koofr by mastering these handy keyboard shortcuts!

Written by human for humans

If you're looking for ways to kick into a higher gear when working in the Koofr web application, we've got a great tip for you: keyboard shortcuts. Knowing exactly which combination of keys to use in place of clicking with your mouse can save you a lot of time. Plus, you're probably already familiar with most of them, which makes for an easy learning curve. Read on to start using keyboard shortcuts!

Moving around

Use the following keys to navigate through files and folders in your Koofr:

Key combination What it does
⬇️ down arrow Move one item down
⬆️ up arrow Move one item up
⬅️ left arrow Move one item to the left - only in tile view
➡️ right arrow Move one item to the right - only in tile view

alt + ⬇️ down

cmd + ⬇️ down
Open file or folder
alt + ⬆️ up

cmd + ⬆️ up
Open parent folder

Selecting things:

To select or deselect multiple files or folders, use the following key combinations:

Key combination What it does
shift + ⬇️ down Add item below to selection (if not yet selected) or remove current item from selection (if item below already selected)
shift + ⬆️ up Add item above to selection (if not yet selected) or remove current item from selection (if item above already selected)
shift + ⬅️ left Add item to the left to selection (if not yet selected) or remove current item from selection (if item to the left already selected) - only in tile view
shift + ➡️ right Add item to the right to selection (if not yet selected) or remove current item from selection (if item to the right already selected) - only in tile view
ctrl + a

cmd + a
Select all
esc Clear selection (deselect)

File and folder operations

You can use keyboard shortcuts to perform all basic file operations like copy, paste, create new, and rename. For additional file options, the right-click context menu can also be accessed via the keyboard. Koofr uses generally established key combinations as listed below:

Key combination What it does
shift + n Create new folder
f2 Rename selected file or folder

cmd + backspace
Delete current selection (files / folders)
ctrl + c

cmd + c
Copy selected files or folders
ctrl + x

cmd + x
Cut selected files or folders
ctrl + v

cmd + v
Paste selected files or folders (from previous copy or cut)
cmd + option + v Paste selected files (move)
shift + m

shift + f10
Open (right-click) context menu for selected files or folders
shift + d Download selected files or folders

To enable the copy, cut, and paste operations, you'll need to Allow the browser app to access the system clipboard the first time you use this feature. Note that you can copy and paste between tabs and windows of the same browser. Copy and paste will not work between different browsers for security reasons.

Allow Koofr to access the system clipboard in order to use the copy and paste operations.

Are keyboard shortcuts helpful to you? As always, we'd love your feedback. Join our community on Reddit and drop us a line!