My iOS automatic uploads have suddenly stopped. What can I do to fix it?
First verify that the Koofr mobile application is open and the screen turned on when the upload stops. If that is not the case, open the Koofr mobile application and turn on the screen. It is not possible to upload the files if the Koofr app is only open in the background. Read more about why must Koofr app be open while uploading files on iOS device.
If your uploads are still stuck after that, open the Koofr web app and check which was the last media file that was uploaded to your Koofr account into the folder you selected for the auto upload.
Next, open the Photos app on your iOS device (photo gallery) and locate a photo that was last uploaded to Koofr. Once you find it, temporarily hide the next file in line for upload (in Photos) and check if the upload to Koofr continues. Before doing so, close and reopen the Koofr mobile app.
How to find the last uploaded file to Koofr: Media file uploads in the chosen folder for you auto upload in your Koofr account have a file timestamp in their name. They are being uploaded in a time order from old to new. Open Koofr and check which was the last file uploaded to the chosen folder, check its name and timestamp. Then, find it on your device.
If that does not help, contact our support.