Less limits, more fun

Access Koofr through the web, desktop, mobile, WebDAV protocol or Rclone.

No individual file size limits and no file type limits. Upload anything you want to keep safe and private.

Connect your existing cloud accounts (Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive) to fully utilize our unified search engine.

Keep your photos, videos, and documents safe

Automatically backup all of the media files from your mobile phone (iOS, Android or Huawei).

Two-way synchronisation from your computer without limits with Koofr desktop app. Choose folders you want to sync.

Accidentally deleted something? No worries. You can easily recover your files for up to 30 days. Deleted files don't use your storage space.

We believe in privacy

No third-party tracking tools like Google Analytics, no cookies (with the exception of the login cookie) and no ads or marketing e-mails.

Servers are hosted in Germany, EU, in ISO 27001 certified data centers. We are compliant with European regulation on data protection and privacy (GDPR).

Use Koofr Vault for extra strong protection. Open source, client-side, zero-knowledge encrypted storage application by Koofr.

More than just storage

Use Facebook’s official transfer tool to effortlessly export a copy of all your Facebook photos and videos to Koofr.

Access files on your computer without syncing them to the cloud. Collaborate with others on Office documents in real-time.

A built-in image editor for resizing, cropping, or applying image effects using just your browser.


Your files are securely transferred over TLS/SSL, encrypted and stored on our servers. Each file ends up in at least three separate locations.

For extra safety, connect Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) app to your account.

Take protection of your account a step further with a physical Passkey - biometrics (fingerprint or face ID) or your devices’ PIN.

Extra useful tools

Simple sharing with and receiving files or folders from anyone, regardless if they are Koofr users or not.

Find and remove duplicate files inside your Koofr account with ease.

Keep your data size under control. Use the Space Usage tool to make size analysis of everything you have in your account.