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How can I create a Koofr account?
Where can I view my Account menu?
Where can I see my Account settings/My Preferences?
How do I disable email notifications?
Where can I see my account history?
Where can I manage my Places?
What are Jobs and where can I view them?
Where can I manage my Send link/Receive files links?
How do I remove my Koofr account?
How many devices can I connect to Koofr?
What is Branding and how can I use it?
My login is temporarily blocked. What now?
How can I change my account password?
How can I remotely log out of my Koofr account?
How can I change my Koofr email address?
Can I have more than one Koofr account?
Can I use a disposable, temporary or throwaway email for Koofr signup?
How can I reset my Koofr account password in case I forget it?
What are the minimum and maximum number of characters allowed for my Koofr account password?
I am having issues logging into Koofr or creating a new account while using a VPN service. What can I do?
How to see the space usage statistics for my account?
I created a Koofr account with my existing Google account. How can I change my Koofr email?
How can I unlink the Sign in with Google option?
I cannot change my Koofr account email address. Why?
Can I view the date and time when a file was created on my computer or mobile device in the Koofr app?
How do I enable dark mode in the Koofr web app?
I cannot enable dark mode in the Koofr web app. Why?
Create and manage your account
Create, upload and rename files and folders
Move and download files and folders
Share files and folders
Delete and restore files and folders
Connect other cloud services
Koofr tools and plugins
Upgrade Koofr account
Privacy and safety
Koofr on mobile devices
Linking Koofr with desktops
Koofr with WebDAV and rclone
Koofr Vault
Two-Factor Authentication
Koofr integrations
Gift cards
Loyalty Discount