What is Koofr PDF Tool?

It’s a tool that helps you split or merge PDF documents, stored in your Koofr account.

Split PDF files

Open a PDF Tool, click on the Split PDF, and choose a file you want to split. You can split it into multiple files or extract pages from it into a separate PDF file. You can either split pages by range or extract individual pages. Additionally, you can choose to merge the extracted pages into a single file. Select the pages you would like to convert and click the Split PDF button. The split files will be stored in a new folder, automatically created in your Koofr account.

Merge PDF files

Open a PDF Tool, click the Merge PDF button, select at least two PDF files you would like to merge, and click on Merge PDFs button. A new window opens, where you can change the order of the selected PDFs and the file name for the merged file. Then click on the Merge PDF button. The merged files will be stored in your Koofr account.

Read more about our PDF Tool in our blog Organize your account with Koofr EXP.

Note: You need to be signed into your Koofr account for the tool to work.

Note: This option is only available in the paid Koofr accounts. You can read about upgrading your account in Upgrade Koofr account and more about the benefits of having a paid Koofr account in What benefits do paid accounts bring besides extra storage space?.